A frozen shoulder is a painful condition in which the shoulder becomes stiff and inflamed, and movement becomes limited. According to Clevelandclinic.org, symptoms of a frozen shoulder are divided into three
1. The "freezing" stage:
In this stage, the shoulder becomes stiff and is painful to move. The pain slowly increases. It may worsen at night. The inability to move the shoulder increases. This stage lasts 6 weeks to 9 months.
2. The "frozen" stage: In this stage, pain may lessen, but the shoulder remains stiff. This makes it more difficult to complete daily tasks and activities. This stage lasts 2 to 6 months.
3. The "thawing"
(recovery) stage: In this stage, pain lessens, and the ability to move the shoulder slowly improves. Full or near-full recovery occurs as normal strength and motion return. The stage lasts 6 months to 2 years.
What are the treatments for a frozen shoulder?
There are a lot of ways how you get those frozen shoulders treated. One of those is getting a massage. This is a great way to alleviate the pain and symptoms if correctly done. It may be uncomfortable at first because of the pain but regular massage and therapy can help gain motion to the frozen shoulders. Different massages can help relieve the pain.
One is the Swedish massage. A Swedish massage consists of soft strokes on delicate areas of the body and rough strokes on tougher areas of the body. This kind of massage is popular for those suffering from frozen shoulders because it is known for easing muscle strain. This also helps increase blood flow, increase flexibility, rehabilitate the muscle, etc. You can also have deep tissue massage. Deep massages can leave healthy muscles feeling sore, so they may be in more intense pain in this type of massage. So it is best to talk to the therapist about the level of pain tolerance you can endure.
A lot more other types of massage help cure frozen shoulders although it can’t be eased just in 1 session. It may take time and regular sessions to manage the pain. Frozen shoulder is more common in women than men in their 40s and up. So to avoid this, routine exercises are recommended to avoid this or ease the pain and stiffness that includes stretching, strength exercises, posture exercises, etc. if you are already suffering from a frozen shoulder.